Words of Grace

Together, let us live our lives fully as God's beloved.
Ms. Grace Magtaas

The School Director

Words of Grace

Together, let us live our lives fully as God's beloved.
Ms. Grace Magtaas

The School Director

Core Values               
St. Marie Eugenie
Christ Centeredness
Assumption Antipolo is growing into a Christ-centered community. Our Faith in Christ animates all our works and actions. Education in faith helps us recognize His presence in each person and in creation leading us to a strong sense of mission of transforming society bringing everything together under Christ.

Community Spirit
Harmonious relationships exist among the different sectors of the community. There is acceptance of one another, respect, confidence and affection. We value one another’s gifts and serve as life givers by our mutual support and caring affirmations that foster a sense of belonging. Team spirit characterized by common concern for one another and joy in working together results in productive synergy. It nurtures cooperation, community spirit and commitment to service.

Integral Formation of Persons
“Education in the Assumption is a constant effort for a harmonious and simultaneous development of the intellect, the heart and the will. It stresses and leans on the natural virtues and values life and every person.” Assumption Antipolo aims to provide learning experiences integrating a strong character of faith, love and reverence for oneself and others, academic excellence, ecological and social responsibilities, the holistic formation of persons in the FAITH and in TRUTH, is the foundation that impels, and empowers us to respond to local and global concerns. We create opportunities to strengthen Christian values and maximize skills, talents, and potentials towards the empowerment of persons for others.

Social Responsibility
Social transformation is an essential aspect of Assumption Education. It means restoring everything in Christ. This vision of St. Marie Eugenie inspires us to develop an awareness of our social realities making us rooted in our own history, our culture, our own times. We are called to grow in friendship, solidarity, and service to the poor, in the context of justice and peace. We foster sensitivity to the needs of others and provide opportunities for a more active response that enables us to be in solidarity with the poor. We inspire our members to become life-giving forces in society. As a professional community, we work with zeal and witness to joyful service.

Care for God’s Creation
“Christ is at the heart of all that we are living.” Assumption Antipolo is gifted with the beauty of nature and the blessings of God’s creation. Because we are grateful for this gift, we nourish ourselves in spirituality that touches and celebrates creation. Recognizing the fragility of our common home, the Earth, and the urgency of restoring its rapidly diminishing resources, we choose to “live simply so that others may simply live.” Aware of the need for sustainable development, we explore alternative ways of “supplying our needs and reducing our wants”. Having made Alay Kapwa at Kalikasan an integral part of the curriculum, we share this love and care for our environment and educate others towards stewardship and kinship.
“To educate is to set a person free. To educate is to transform the world.” “Education is to allow the good in every person to break through the rock that imprisons it and bring it into the light where it can blossom and shed its radiance.” St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus

Education is an ongoing process of growth:
experienced by each person
in the school community,
one with the Local Church
within an evolving Philippine Society.
The process unfolds in an atmosphere of
as we journey together
towards a common vision:

where no one is oppressed by another
where Gospel values permeate
all systems and structures.
The foundation stone
of the community is
from whom it receives
its vision and power.

All is from Jesus Christ.
All belongs to Jesus Christ.
All must be for Jesus Christ.

A Christ-centered school community growing in the love and friendship of Jesus Christ in His Church and striving for peacein the social and ecological order.

We, in Basic Education, commit ourselves – to Transformative Education as a Christ-centered school community dedicated to the integral formation of persons empowered to promote justice, peace, care for creation and solidarity.
Through the years
ASSUMPTION ANTIPOLO'S EDUCATIONAL APOSTOLATE nestles in the lush greenery of Antipolo’s hills. The physical structure of the buildings, with spacious classrooms and wide open doors, provides an atmosphere conducive to learning.

The beginning of Assumption Antipolo marked the formal closing of the Assumption in Malate. With the location gradually ceasing to provide the climate conducive to learning, the sisters decided to move the Grade School to Antipolo on September 11, 1974. In 1987, the High School opened and had its first graduates in March 1991.

As a Christ-centered school community, Christian Living Education or CLE is at the heart of the curriculum.

Assumption Antipolo offers formation programs intrinsic to the development of persons, namely the Alay Kapwa Program and the Environmental Education Program.

The Center for Service and Sharing or the CSS is a liaison between the Assumption and the neighboring communities for implementing the Alay Kapwa Program and for the development of the "sitios" around the school. The CSS started in 1978 as an outreach program of the community of sisters, faculty and staff for the poor families around Assumption Antipolo. Over the years, what started as the school's outreach program has developed into a Center that serves 10 "sitios" surrounding the school through its programs and services. These include community building, livelihood, health and nutrition, spiritual/faith formation, youth formation, and school exposure and immersion programs.

Given the present environmental situation of the country, Assumption Antipolo launched a Center for Peace and Ecology named PACEM. Established in July 1991 at Assumption Antipolo, PACEM aims to re-establish the human-earth partnership through theory and practice.

Assumption Antipolo has a Retreat House for students and other groups in search of spiritual renewal as well as social and personal formation.

In August 2001, the school inaugurated the Assumpta Theater. Acclaimed as the CCP of the East, the Assumpta Theater has grown into a a beautiful, sophisticated, world-class theater that promotes cultural awareness, educational upliftment, and appreciation of the performing arts.

Assumption Antipolo envisions a community rooted in Christ and empowered for the transformation of persons and society. The community of sisters, faculty, staff, auxiliary, CSS personnel and members, students, parents and alumnae commit themselves to work as ONE towards justice, peace, care for creation and solidarity.
The AA Logo

For years, Assumption Antipolo’s name and logo have been the embodiment of the institution’s well-balanced foundation for Academic Excellence. The visual identity of AA represents the school’s thrust of developing the students’ gifts, potentials and capabilities from which will emerge the good of the person.

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